School Organizational Structure and Administration

School Officials and Personnel
The School President is vested with the authority, powers, and functions for the efficient and effective management and the realization of the goals and objectives of Formative Academic and Skills Development School, Inc. He is ultimately accountable for all activities and performances of the school to the Board of Trustees.
The Principal assists the School President in the realization of the vision and mission of the school and the attainment of the objectives of Formative Academic and Skills Development School. She is responsible for the implementation of school policies and execution of school rules and regulations. As an academic leader with delegated authority, the Principal promotes unity and strives to achieve fruitful coordination among various school officials, faculty members, and non-academic personnel.
Assistant Principal
The Assistant Principal is appointed by School President upon the recommendation of the Principal who is an administrative officer with delegated authority. She reports to the Principal and supervises Homeroom Advisers, Club Moderators, SPG/SSG Moderator, and School Publication Adviser.
The Treasurer has the general responsibility to safeguard the financial resources of the school and its proper disbursement and investment.
The Cashier assists the Treasurer and the ordinary and routine financial transactions of the school.
Administrative Council
The Administrative Council performs the tasks and responsibilities of managing and administering the school towards the realization of her objectives and goals. The Council includes the School President (who sits at its chair), Treasurer, Principal, and Assistant Principal.
Subject Teacher
The subject teacher is a direct agent of learning in the classroom, thus, he/she works unceasingly for academic excellence; implements consistently established classroom policies, and maintains regular communication with the Principal for academic concerns and with the Assistant Principal and Homeroom Adviser for deportment of students.
Guidance Counselor
The Guidance Counselor plans and structures tests as may be needed by the school, administers psychological testing and counselling programs for the school and conducts studies and researches.
The School Librarian plans development programs for the library and provides direction, control, and supervision over the activities of the school library.
The Registrar plans, organizes, coordinates, directs, and controls the activities of the Registrar’s Office involving student registration, transfer, graduation, completion, and maintenance and safekeeping of all pertinent records.
Homeroom Adviser
The Homeroom Adviser disseminates tactfully and consistently the guidance program of the school to his/her section of responsibility; works with the Assistant Principal in the implementation of school rules and regulations; and supervises school activities in and out of the school.
Club Moderator
The Club Moderator attends to, facilitates, and reports to the Assistant Principal the students’ activities in his/her specific club and coordinates with other club organizations in the school.
SPG/SSG Adviser
The Supreme Pupil Government/Supreme Student Government is the official student government. It seeks to provide the individual and group welfare of the students by fostering goodwill and the Formativista spirit of discipline among different classes, grade levels, and student clubs and organizations. It undertakes projects, submits proposals and recommendations which will promote the total welfare of students. Its officers are the official representative of the whole student population. The election of the SPG/SSG Officers takes place in June.
School Publication Adviser
The School Publication Adviser oversees all the necessary activities and plans in the production in the school publication including the training of students under his/her charge.
School Nurse
The School Nurse assists in the implementation of the school’s medical health program.
Maintenance Personnel
The Maintenance Personnel recommend and undertake maintenance, repairs, and replacements of facilities and equipment in the school.
Parents-Teachers Association
The PTA sits as a council when it officially meets to discuss matters and there is competence. The Principal is the ex-officio chairperson of the PTA. Its function is consultative and advisory.